Being Cautious

As I have called this site “cybermindfulness,” I hope to naturally focus on the topics I really care about, as I narrate my journey into IT. Currently I’m just diving into whatever I can so when I really start more structured training in advance of CompTIA certifications, it won’t be a struggle. In the meantime, I’m still pursuing my Google IT Support Certificate and finally in the course on cybersecurity. Today focused on the AAA of Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (not to be confused with the CIA of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability – I’m remembering acronyms). One of the suggested readings about Authorization was about top mobile security threats for businesses. But what stood out to me was a graphic on “Top cybersecurity training topics” – Phishing, Social Engineering, and Password Hygiene.

I know I’m going to gain all kinds of technical knowledge in the next few years, but I’m convinced that the above subjects are still going to be what I focus on the most when training for awareness… probably what I’ll be talking about on a site called cybermindfulness after all. Although, I’m hoping Password Hygiene goes away eventually when we do away with passwords. They are proven to not be that secure since their inception digitally in 1961, not to mention used in a more analog style since the beginning of the world… sounds like a full post to be made when I’ve become an expert on this subject to more people than just my mom.

But as far as Phishing and Social Engineering, all I can say for now is Be. Cautious. I believe that people aren’t stupid, but they can be convinced of something that isn’t real, or worse, something very real and malicious. Don’t let urgency and panic throw you into a trap that could alter your livelihood or your company.

I started this website to document my journey to convert from a music professional to a cybersecurity professional. I still plan to, and hope to start working on projects, imagined or real, to share. In the meantime, I’m going to look for ways to share what I’m encountering in the news regarding Social Engineering. Sharing my thoughts will improve my mindfulness of tech safety, and hopefully will keep you extra mindful as well.

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